Your Source for Wholesale Greetings Cards, Invitation Packs, Party Goods, and more! FREE shipping on orders over $200!Choose from thousands of high-quality greeting cards at low wholesale prices! We carry Everyday and Seasonal greeting cards, Specialty greeting card lines, Thank You Notes, Invitation Packs, Gift Bags, Party Goods, and much more! NOTE: We are a Greeting Card Wholesaler, we do not sell individual greeting cards. Cards are sold in wholesale packs and we require a minimum order of $50
Opening a Store? Need a new greeting card department?
 | Whether you are opening a new store, or you have been selling greeting cards for years - we have the knowledge and experience to create a balanced greeting card department tailored to your needs. We offer thousands of wholesale greeting cards and a variety of floor racks and displays.
Racks available for our customers at no charge, ask about our Greeting Card Fixture Loan Program!